################################################################### # # Kickstart Configuration for RS-HD installation of Centos 5.4 # # Author: Pete Cervasio # # Date: 01 March 2010 # # Description: This is an anaconda "Kickstart" configuration file which # will do as much as possible to create a Centos 5.4 installation with # all required RS-HD packages. # # See Centos documentation at: # # http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Installation_Guide/s1-kickstart2-howuse.html # ################################################################### # install #lang en_US.UTF-8 lang en_US keyboard us # # Disk partitioning - for now, let the user do it. Uncommenting the # following 4 commands will wipe all partitions off all hard disks and then # create our standard boot, swap, root setup. Doing so automatically is a # potential landmine waiting to go off, so this is being documented but not # implemented... if it is here now, with the warning as to why it is not # used, then hopefully it won't be added and used later. # ## clearpart --all --initlabel ## part /boot --fstype=ext3 --size=100 ## part swap --size=1024 ## part / --fstype=ext3 --size=100 --grow # network --device=eth0 --bootproto=query firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 selinux --disabled bootloader --location=mbr --append="reboot=b" firstboot --disable xconfig # # Package selection - this is a minimal setup, with additional packages selected # by themselves (and letting anaconda resolve the dependencies) # # 28 JAN 2011: [PWC] - We now explicitly specify the kernel package, and explicitly # turn off the kernel-PAE package. # %packages @Core @Base @kde-desktop @text-internet @smb-server @legacy-software-support @base-x kernel -kernel-PAE acpid alsa-lib alsa-utils anaconda-runtime anacron aspell aspell-en audiofile binutils bzip2 device-mapper-multipath dialog dos2unix dosfstools expect firefox gcc httpd k3b kdeadmin kdegraphics kdemultimedia kdepim ncurses-devel kernel-devel kernel-headers logwatch lrzsz lynx make man man-pages mc mdadm memtest86+ mgetty minicom nfs-utils ntp openssh openssh-clients openssh-server perl perl-Archive-Zip perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-DBI perl-DateManip php php-common php-cli qt4 rcs rsync samba samba-client samba-common screen sed sendmail sendmail-cf sharutils smartmontools sudo tftp vim-enhanced vnc-server vsftpd wget xinetd xorg-x11-xbitmaps xorg-x11-xfs-utils